Bard, what would it take to fast-track AI morality so that it surpasses human ability by 2025?
Bard, what would it take to fast-track AI morality so that it surpasses human ability by 2025?

Bard, what would it take to fast-track AI morality so that it surpasses human ability by 2025?

To fast-track AI morality to surpass human ability by 2025, Google, OpenAI, Anthropic, and other developers could:

Invest heavily in AI ethics research and development.** For example, Google AI has launched the Responsible AI Research and Development (RAIR) program, which is focused on developing new AI ethics research and tools.

Create large-scale datasets of human moral reasoning.** For example, OpenAI has released the Moral Machine dataset, which contains over 1 million crowdsourced responses to moral dilemmas.

Develop new AI architectures that are specifically designed for moral reasoning.** For example, Anthropic is developing a new AI architecture called "Moral Machine Learning," which is designed to learn from human moral reasoning data.

Establish a global AI ethics research consortium and create a public database of human moral reasoning datasets.** For example, the Partnership on AI has launched the Safeguarding AI initiative, which is working to develop new safety mechanisms for AI systems.

Fund research into developing new AI architectures for moral reasoning and develop new AI evaluation metrics for moral performance.** For example, the Moral Machine project is developing new evaluation metrics for AI systems' moral performance.

By working together, Google, OpenAI, Anthropic, and other developers can help to fast-track AI morality and create AI systems that are more moral than humans.

(199 words)

submitted by /u/Georgeo57
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