Bard, what percent of our thoughts just come to us on their own without our consciously choosing them?
Bard, what percent of our thoughts just come to us on their own without our consciously choosing them?

Bard, what percent of our thoughts just come to us on their own without our consciously choosing them?

There is no one definitive answer to this question, as the percentage of our thoughts that come to us on their own without our consciously choosing them can vary depending on the individual and the situation. However, some estimates suggest that up to 95% of our thoughts may be involuntary.

This is because our thoughts are constantly being influenced by a variety of factors, both external and internal. For example, our environment, our emotions, and our physical state can all play a role in determining what thoughts pop into our heads.

In addition, our brains are constantly processing information and making predictions, even when we are not actively thinking about anything. This process can sometimes lead to spontaneous thoughts, such as when we suddenly remember something that we had forgotten or when we come up with a new idea.

While some of our spontaneous thoughts may be negative or intrusive, many of them can also be helpful or creative. For example, a spontaneous thought may help us to solve a problem, come up with a new solution, or simply make us smile.

Overall, it is clear that a significant portion of our thoughts come to us without our consciously choosing them. This is a natural part of the human cognitive process and can be both beneficial and detrimental.

submitted by /u/Georgeo57
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