Bard on the march to the Capitol and ensuing violence
Bard on the march to the Capitol and ensuing violence

Bard on the march to the Capitol and ensuing violence


Trump says that he asked his mob to peacefully walk to the Capitol building gates. How would this have stopped the certification? Did he expect them to storm in? His waiting three hours to stop the violence that followed suggests that he did.


Trump's request to walk peacefully to the Capitol building gates would not have stopped the certification of the election results. The certification process is a joint session of Congress, and it would have required a majority vote in both the House and the Senate to overturn the results. Even if Trump's supporters had peacefully marched to the Capitol, they would not have been able to prevent Congress from certifying the results.

It is possible that Trump did not fully understand the certification process, or that he was simply trying to appease his supporters. However, it is also possible that he expected his supporters to storm the Capitol and prevent Congress from certifying the results. This is supported by the fact that he waited over three hours to call off the violence. During that time, he continued to tweet messages of encouragement to his supporters, and he even praised them for their patriotism.

It is also worth noting that Trump had been repeatedly warned by his advisors about the possibility of violence on January 6. However, he ignored these warnings and continued to urge his supporters to fight to overturn the election results.

In conclusion, it is impossible to say for sure whether Trump expected his supporters to storm the Capitol on January 6. However, the evidence suggests that he was at least aware of the possibility of violence, and that he was willing to allow it to happen in order to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

submitted by /u/Georgeo57
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