Baidu publicly releases their AI chatbot Ernie Bot
Baidu publicly releases their AI chatbot Ernie Bot

Baidu publicly releases their AI chatbot Ernie Bot

Baidu publicly releases their AI chatbot Ernie Bot

In a bid to rival the United States’ stronghold in the AI industry, Chinese search engine and AI firm Baidu, has made its ChatGPT-equivalent language model, Ernie Bot, fully available to the public. This marks a significant move on the AI chessboard.

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Why does this matter?

  • Baidu's public release of Ernie Bot signals the company's aggressive push in the generative AI market. By opening up its model to the public, Baidu can leverage expansive real-world human feedback to improve Ernie Bot.
  • China's determination to lead the AI industry is unabated, with many tech firms launching their own generative models in response to OpenAI's popular ChatGPT. Baidu's move further fuels this rivalry.
  • Regulation in China seems to support such AI advancements. CEO Robin Li voiced his optimism about the AI regulations—calling them "more pro-innovation than regulation".

What's the broader response?

  • Baidu's latest stride has boosted its stock price by over 3%, underlining the market's high anticipation of Baidu's AI efforts.
  • Ernie Bot has rocketed to the top of Apple's iOS free app chart in China. This demonstrates a positive initial response from the public.

Regulation is key in China's AI game:

  • China has stringent regulations for the generative AI industry, requiring a security review and government approvals before any product launch. Moreover, companies need to comply with governmental tech and data requests.
  • The US, on the other hand, doesn't currently have such regulations in place. A markedly different approach that could significantly influence the development and application of AI technologies.

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submitted by /u/AIsupercharged
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