<span class="vcard">V Sharma</span>
V Sharma

How to Friends with Statistics and MachineLearning

Does Statistics and ML walk together like partners? Is Machine learning just a polished and shined version of statistics? There are many question such like this. At-least in my mind even today I get these questions why I struggle with these two in different areas of my mind. Are […]

The post How to Friends with Statistics and MachineLearning appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.


Blockchain – The Strong Backbone for Businesses

What is Blockchain Technology? How one blockchain can have Infinite possibilities & opportunities in hand in this red ocean market world. Total Reading Time – 7-8 Minutes Some background Blockchain as on date is mystery story for many (Including my self). We have heard lot that it yields […]

The post Blockchain – The Strong Backbone for Businesses appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.


Can Cybersecurity be Entrusted with AI?

AI in CyberSecurity In a cybersecurity context, AI is a software that perceives its environment well enough to identify events and take action against predefined purpose. Biggest fear of today’s time is the  concern that hackers are getting much more smarter. These hackers will use artificial intelligence in […]

The post Can Cybersecurity be Entrusted with AI? appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.


One Liners Espresso Learning of Bitcoin

On January 3, 2009, 30,000 lines of code spell out the beginning of Bitcoin. Bitcoins are / were intended to be digital currency. This coin is based on solving an encryption formula which requires extreme amounts of computing power. It uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network…

The post One Liners Espresso Learning of Bitcoin appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.


Blockchain and Swarm Intelligence

Swarm Intelligence is a new form of A.I. that utilises technology that can leverage natural human instincts – intuitions, emotions and sensibilities, while making a decision by combining the best of both worlds. 

The post Blockchain and Swarm Intelligence appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.

Data Intelligence as a Service – DIaaS

There are certain market dynamics which determine the growth of the data and its related analytics.  Thats where Data Intelligence’s adaptive dynamics comes into play to assess the factors driving organisation to adapt their existing, profitable lines of business. This help them stay relevant in the future of the rapidly evolving world and enormous helper for Blue Ocean shift strategy.

The post Data Intelligence as a Service – DIaaS appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.

DATA – Blue Ocean Shift Strategy (Boss)

BOSS – Blue Ocean Shift Strategy can actually help and create vision to focus on areas such as AI, blockchain for education, health & agriculture, create ecosystems using BigData analytics and IoT. To capture a quick snapshot of this strategy, cer…

2018 Year of Intelligence – Artificial & Augmentation

Year 2018 will be known as year of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligence Augmentation for sure.We used to think artificial intelligence was a silly sci-fi concept but when you really look into it, it seems like its been slowly encroaching into most …

Demystifying AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning

This was the first serious proposal in the philosophy of artificial intelligence, which can be explained as: a science developing technology to mimic humans to respond in a circumstance. In simple words AI involves machines that behave and think like h…

World Wide Data Wrestling

Big data presents a tremendous opportunity for enterprises across multiple industries especially in the tsunami like data flow industry of “Payments”. FinTech, InsureTech, MedTech are major data generating industries i.e massive group of factories. Acc…