<span class="vcard">V Sharma</span>
V Sharma

Why GDPR will Make Machine Learning not so legal

Does GDPR require Machine Learning algorithms to explain their output? may be yes may be no or in short Probably not, but there is enough ambiguity to be clarified and keep DataScientists, Lawyers, industry influencers busy.

The post Why GDPR will Make Machine Learning not so legal appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.


Astonishing Hierarchy of Machine Learning Needs

Machine Learning is hottest subject of today’s time, DataScientist is the sexiest job of today but implementing these buzz words in real life business is most important need.   The Brief Machine Learning is the hottest subject of today’s time, DataScientist is the sexiest job of today but […]

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Reinforcement Learning – Reward for Learning

Reinforcement learning can be understood by using the concepts of agents, environments, states, actions and rewards. This is an area of machine learning; where there’s no answer key, but RL agent still has to decide how to act to perform its task. The agent is inspired by behaviourist psychology who decide how and what actions will taken in an environment to maximize some notion of cumulative reward.

The post Reinforcement Learning – Reward for Learning appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.


Unsupervised Learning an Angle for Unlabelled Data World

System does self-discovery of patterns, regularities and features etc. from the input data and relations for the input data over output data. Discovering similarities and dissimilarities to forms clusters i.e. self-discovery is main target here. Since the examples given to the learner are unlabeled

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Supervised Machine Learning – Insider Scoop for labeled data

Machine learning algorithms “learns” from the observations. When exposed to more observations, the algorithm improves its predictive performance. What’s going to happen to the stock market tomorrow? Is a task of deducing function from labeled training data.

The post Supervised Machine Learning – Insider Scoop for labeled data appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.


Machine Learning and Its Algorithms to Know – MLAlgos

Machine learning is subset to Artificial Intelligence which borrows principles from computer science. It is not an AI though; It is focal point where business and experience meet emerging technology and decides to work together.

The post Machine Learning and Its Algorithms to Know – MLAlgos appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.


How Cognitive Ergonomics of AI Exciting FinTech

AI is Transforming the Digital Economy through FinTech. How its doing that we will answer below by taking help through “Cognitive Ergonomics”. May assuming AI more human then it is.

The post How Cognitive Ergonomics of AI Exciting FinTech appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.


The Exciting Evolution of Machine Learning

Machine learning is the process of a machine attempting to accomplish a task, independent of human intervention, more efficiently and more effectively with every passing attempt i.e learning phase. At this point, AI- a machine which mimics the human mind, is still a pipe dream. In the middle we have the meat of the pipeline, the model, which is the machine learning algorithm that learns to predict given input data.

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How to Friends with Statistics and MachineLearning

Does Statistics and ML walk together like partners? Is Machine learning just a polished and shined version of statistics? There are many question such like this. At-least in my mind even today I get these questions why I struggle with these two in different areas of my mind. Are […]

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Blockchain – The Strong Backbone for Businesses

What is Blockchain Technology? How one blockchain can have Infinite possibilities & opportunities in hand in this red ocean market world. Total Reading Time – 7-8 Minutes Some background Blockchain as on date is mystery story for many (Including my self). We have heard lot that it yields […]

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