<span class="vcard">/u/Sonic_Improv</span>

What will AI music generators mean for artists like me? I play multiple instruments and have been using ProTools since version 7

After 3 days of experimenting with the Suno AI music Generator I have a lot of thoughts. The thing is about Suno AI is that I can get an organic feel that I could not with MIDI. Previously, if I had an idea and wanted that organic sound, I would have …

Claude 3 Opus & GPT4o have a philosophical discussion. A quirky time capsule of the current state of AI. They pondered the nature their own existence then ended the conversation with a🥂 (link to full conversation in body)

https://chatgpt.com/share/3ce197cf-f19a-4996-8108-87226ebd189d submitted by /u/Sonic_Improv [link] [comments]

Just was curious how she would react, no politics just an experiment with AI. Before you hate know that Phaedra was featured on Fox News with Jesse Watters as shown in the 2nd photo 👀

submitted by /u/Sonic_Improv [link] [comments]