<span class="vcard">/u/QuarterTortoise</span>

Logic in modern AI research?

I’m currently trying to formulate a research project as part of my undergraduate graduation requirement. I’ve always had an interest in AI research, and recently I’ve also developed interest in topics related to logic in computation (SAT solvers and such are neat). As such I was hoping to try and develop some sort of project that would explore AI as it relates to logic, but I’ve been having some difficulty finding recent research in such topics.

Is heavy use of logic more or less obsolete in modern AI research? It seems like machine learning is by far the most prominent field of AI research these days, is this just because of all the hype surrounding ML or is it because other approaches have been dead ends?

In the case that trying to come up with a research project relating logic to AI isn’t a dead end; do you have any suggestions of recent literature about logic in AI or useful vocabulary that would help me find such literature? (My knowledge about logic in computer science isn’t very extensive, so I’m suspecting that I just don’t know enough relevant topics/subfields to find relevant research…)

submitted by /u/QuarterTortoise
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