<span class="vcard">/u/Powerful-Pumpkin-938</span>

Jobs will not be lost because AI is getting smarter. People are getting dumber instead.

This article refers that everyone's busy debating whether AI's going to steal jobs due to its superiority. But it is not just about AI outshining humans; it's about the decline in good old human competence. What are your thoughts on this? …

The Neutering Paradox: Holding Back Models Hurts AGI Breakthroughs

Even though AI companies might retain access to their non-neutered models, the process of neutering limits the availability of diverse and advanced models in the public domain: The Unspoken Challenge in Achieving True AGI Potential This is crucial beca…

The Neutering Paradox: Holding Back Models Hurts AGI Breakthroughs

Even though AI companies might retain access to their non-neutered models, the process of neutering limits the availability of diverse and advanced models in the public domain: The Unspoken Challenge in Achieving True AGI Potential This is crucial beca…