<span class="vcard">/u/Ok-Judgment-1181</span>

Google’s Gemini Breaks New Ground in Seamless Multimodal Reasoning

Google's recent unveiling of Gemini is sure to take the internet by storm! It felt as though all hope was lost with the recent announcement of a delay until January of 2024, however on December 6th, Google had blessed us with quite the news… They …

A deeper look at the Q* Model as a combination of A* algorithms and Deep Q-learning networks.

Hey, folks! Buckle up because the recent buzz in the AI sphere has been nothing short of an intense rollercoaster. Rumors about a groundbreaking AI, enigmatically named Q* (pronounced Q-Star), have been making waves, closely tied to a chaotic series of…

Google Deepmind presents RT-2, the first vision-language-action (VLA) Robotics Transformer and it may have drastic implications our future.

The latest article published by Google Deepmind is seriously approaching a Blade Runner type future. Their research paper is on the first VLA (vision-language-action) Model RT-2 (see paper), a multi-modal algorithm which tokenizes robotic inputs …

BBC News covered an AI translator for Bats, soon it may apply to most animal species

I have not seen this BBC News video covered on this subreddit but it piqued my curiosity so I wanted to share. I have known about projects attempting to decode animal communications such as Project CETI which focuses on applying advanced machine learni…

Over 100,000 ChatGPT account credentials have been stolen, yours may be on the list!

Group-IB, a cybersecurity research company, just discovered through their newly implemented “Threat Intelligence” platform logs of info-stealing malware* traded on illicit dark web markets. So far it is estimated that around 100 000 accounts have…