<span class="vcard">/u/NuseAI</span>

AI in human–computer gaming: Techniques, challenges and opportunities

The breakthrough of AlphaGo has led to a big explosion in human-computer gaming AI. Various AI systems have been developed, such as Libratus, OpenAI Five, and AlphaStar, which have beaten professional human players. This paper surveys recent successfu…

FTC Continues to Wade into Copyright Issues in AI Without Understanding Anything

The FTC continues to involve itself in copyright issues related to AI, despite lacking expertise in the area. The FTC argues that fair use is anticompetitive, but this is incorrect as fair use promotes competition by allowing AI systems to train on da…

2024 is world’s biggest election year ever and AI experts say we’re not prepared

The year 2024 is expected to have the largest number of elections worldwide, with over two billion people across 50 countries heading to the polls. Experts warn that we are not prepared for the impact of AI on these elections, as generative AI tools l…

Intel wants to run AI on CPUs and says its 5th-gen Xeons are ones to do it

Intel has launched its 5th-generation Xeon Scalable processors, which are designed to run AI on CPUs. The new chips offer more cores, a larger cache, and improved machine learning capabilities. Intel claims that its 5th-gen Xeons are up to 1.4x faster…