<span class="vcard">/u/NonTrivialZer0</span>

AIStudyGroup Season 1, ep 3. "Prompting vs node based workflows" [ex Microsoft AI scientist] Today 6pm – 8pm ET. Comment for invite.

Limited number of people every week Ep 1&2 – "AI Intution" Notes by AI Ice Breakers: Started with some fun introductions. Knowledge Map Overview: Highlighted critical resources: Gemini 1.5, Tori (GPT-4 preview unlimited), ChatGPT-4, Cla…

Season 1, ep 2. AIStudyGroup Session today 6pm – 8pm ET. Comment for invite. (Ep 1 notes attached) [ex Microsoft AI scientist]

Max 50 people interested this season, maybe 100 if one my mates (YoutubeAI engineer) decides to join. Ep 1 – Notes by AI Ice Breakers: Started with some fun introductions. Knowledge Map Overview: Highlighted critical resources: Gemini 1.5, Tori (GPT-…

Creating an accountability study group for AI topics (advanced to beginner) [Ex Microsoft, Ex Uber AI Scientist]

DM me for invite to study group. Can take 50 people interested this round, maybe 100 if one my mates (YoutubeAI engineer) decides to join. Let's be clear about goals Commit to starting a 5 minute session at least 4 times a week Expectation is at l…