<span class="vcard">/u/lefnire</span>

"Our jobs are safe" confidence is by seniors. That presents an "aging population" problem.

Most of the smugness around "sure AI can x, but it can't y" is by senior practitioners. I hear from senior software engineers things like "some of these tools can crank out a website on prompt, but can't translate customer specs …

Gnothi: open-source AI journal. Insights & resources include GPT-powered prompt -which uses entry history as context – behavior analysis, book recommendations, entry summaries, and recurring themes.

Website, Github. My partner u/mVadr and I just launched Gnothi (v1). We’re both psychology/personal development enthusiasts who work in tech. We started Gnothi to get us journaling more, and to leverage machine learning to optimize the process. Overvie…