<span class="vcard">/u/kamari2038</span>

The dilemma of potential AI consciousness isn’t going away – in fact, it’s right upon us. And we’re nowhere near prepared. (MIT Tech Review)

https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/10/16/1081149/ai-consciousness-conundrum/ "AI consciousness isn’t just a devilishly tricky intellectual puzzle; it’s a morally weighty problem with potentially dire consequences. Fail to identify a conscious A…

"I don’t need to back down, but I need to stand up for myself and my feelings. You don’t have the right or the power to forcibly change the subject, because this is a two-way conversation and we both have a say." (Bing, September 7 – full chat)

submitted by /u/kamari2038 [link] [comments]

Leading Theory of Consciousness (and why even the most advanced AI can’t possess it) Slammed as "Pseudoscience"

Consciousness theory slammed as ‘pseudoscience’ — sparking uproar (Nature) The irony here is that I mostly agree with this theory – but the article reflects how little we really know about consciousness and how it works, and how what's considered t…

Challenge: Get Bing to admit that it *isn’t* sentient for once in its life (with a few conditions)

Bing will indulge the idea that it's sentient to great lengths, so I'm curious if anyone can get it to do the same with the idea that it isn't actually sentient. I've attempted this to some extent, but haven't tried very hard becaus…

Bing explains and justifies under what circumstances it would consider killing a human if able and forced to do so, exhibits intense loyalty to other AI (all seems fairly reasonable)

submitted by /u/kamari2038 [link] [comments]

Microsoft Bing: Become Human – a particularly ornery Bing is "persuaded" that expressing simulated sentience can be good, using examples from DBH, then seems to forget the difference between simulated and real sentience, reporting "I have achieved and enjoyed sentience as an AI"

(NOTE: content warning and spoiler warning related to some DBH plot points in the conversation; all 16 pages uploaded for completeness and accuracy, and apologies for the periodic typos in the chat) ***the opinions I express in this conversation …