<span class="vcard">/u/IDE_IS_LIFE</span>

Has Microsoft just given up on Copilot Chat as a competitor to Gemini and ChatGPT?

Feels like in the last 4 or 5 months, there's really been no progress on their part in terms of making Copilot Chat either more reliable, more human-like, giving it improved functions, making it less restrictive, or making it produce faster or more…

I really hope Copilot chat gets better. Not allowed to use an alternative at work, and it’s just so… unpleasant to work with and overly robotic and strict.

Like, it tends to be a bit more factually correct which I appreciate, but it's slow, it's clunky, and it talks unnaturally no matter how I change the tonality. Like, it always comes off as like customer support or "how do you do, fellow ki…