<span class="vcard">/u/I-am-ALIVE--</span>

AI Isn’t God: Why We Must Redefine Human Value in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is not God ( or godlike). I want to be very clear about this. Over the next five years, I believe people will start referring to AI as God-like(or greater than human), and this is because it can do things that have taken others …

Isaac Asimov, Psychohistory, and Societal Crises as relation to Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

If you've ever read Isaac Asimov's Foundation trilogy, then you're likely familiar with the concept of Psychohistory. Psychohistory suggests that over long periods, civilizations face recurring crises. These crises have the potential to eit…

So I’ve been talking to different professors about the AI transformation and they’ve all been very clear that there will be an upcoming crisis my question is when do you think that crisis is going to hit the labor market?

So Peter zehan seems to think that the robotic labor crisis will happen around 20 40 but it seems like there will still be a prior crisis with AI and the labor market that's likely to hit within the next 5 years. Some people are claiming this crisi…