<span class="vcard">/u/Happysedits</span>

Do you know any institutions/nonprofits/companies/governments/etc. trying to apply deep learning and other ML/AI/GenAI techniques to implement universal basic income (UBI) or something similar to UBI like universal basic services?

Do you know any institutions/nonprofits/companies/governments/etc. trying to apply deep learning and other ML/AI/GenAI techniques to implement universal basic income (UBI) or something similar to UBI like universal basic services? Maybe for chatbot gui…

A monster of a paper by Stanford, a 500-page report on the 2024 state of AI

https://aiindex.stanford.edu/report/ Top 10 Takeaways: AI beats humans on some tasks, but not on all. AI has surpassed human performance on several benchmarks, including some in image classification, visual reasoning, and English understanding. Yet it…

Andrej Karpathy: Current AI systems are imitation learners, but for superhuman AIs we will need better reinforcement learning like in AlphaGo. The model should selfplay, be in a the loop with itself and its own psychology, to achieve superhuman levels of intelligence.

submitted by /u/Happysedits [link] [comments]

Possible OpenAI’s Q* breakthrough and DeepMind’s AlphaGo-type systems plus LLMs

tl;dr: OpenAI leaked AI breakthrough called Q*, acing grade-school math. It is hypothesized combination of Q-learning and A*. It was then refuted. DeepMind is working on something similar with Gemini, AlphaGo-style Monte Carlo Tree Search. Scaling thes…

OpenAI Co-Founder and Chief Scientist says that GPT’s architecture, Transformers, can obviously get us to AGI

Ilya Sutskever, Co-Founder and Chief Scientist at OpenAI, that developed ChatGPT, says that GPT's architecture, Transformers, can obviously get us to AGI. He also adds: We shouldn't don't think about it in terms of binary "is it enough…