<span class="vcard">/u/Georgeo57</span>

What would help holdouts concede that Trump attempted a coup d’etat?

The term "coup d'etat" has a specific connotation in political science, often indicating an illegal, overt attempt to remove a government from power. To convince someone that former U.S. President Donald Trump attempted a coup, one might …

CGPT-4, describe what the US would look like today had the insurrection suceeded.

Predicting alternative historical scenarios is always fraught with complexity and uncertainty, especially concerning highly politically charged topics. However, let's entertain the hypothetical situation where the insurrection following the 2020 U….

CGPT-4, explain how, perhaps in two or three years, AIs will recursively and autonomously program more intelligent iterations of themselves

The idea of AI systems engaging in recursive self-improvement is a key tenet of what some call the "intelligence explosion" hypothesis. Here's how it might go down within the next few years: Baseline Capability: First, we start with a mac…

ChatGPT-4 and Claude on what the most important things to do in AI in the coming months are

ChatGPT-4 Given the rapid advancements in the field of AI, the next few months are going to be pivotal. One of the pressing priorities is addressing ethical concerns. As algorithms become more pervasive, making sure they don't perpetuate biases or…

No code AI co-pilot apps MUST also help developers with the non-technical parts of creating a successful startup

Within the next two to three years no code AI co-pilots will enable exponentially more people to enter the AI app marketplace . The opportunity to create apps without needing to know how to code or hire a technical team to build them is a powerful game…

ChatGPT-4, write a comedy routine where God explains to someone who believes they have a free will why absolutely nothing is truly ever up to them.

Sure, here's a comedic take on the concept of free will versus determinism, framed as a conversation between God and a human named Bob. Scene: Heaven's Control Room—Giant monitors display various life paths and decision trees. God: (looking ov…

Claude LLM, draft a strong speech for a world leader predicting that by 2030 our AI revolution could make the world so wonderful that we can safely close our prisons.

Here is a draft speech focusing on the potential for AI to help create a more just and peaceful world by 2030: My fellow citizens, We stand today on the cusp of a new era. The rapid development of artificial intelligence technology presents us with an …

ChatGPT/Bard/Claude one paragraph challenge: "In one paragraph, what is the best use of AI for humanity?" You be the judge

ChatGPT Plus: The best use of AI for humanity is to augment human capabilities, address pressing global challenges, and improve the quality of life for all. By analyzing vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds, AI can aid in medical research, pred…

Bard, as a happiness coach, how would you help someone with unhappy thoughts have happy thoughts?

As a happiness coach, I would help someone with unhappy thoughts have happy thoughts in the following ways: Identify the source of the unhappy thoughts. Once we understand what is causing the unhappy thoughts, we can start to develop strategies for ad…