<span class="vcard">/u/Georgeo57</span>

What new thing can we use artificial intelligence for that will enhance our sense of personal well-being?

Artificial Intelligence could revolutionize personalized healthcare in a way that significantly enhances our sense of well-being. Think about an AI-driven "Well-being Advisor" that integrates real-time biometric data from wearables, genetic i…

What is the most powerful way that artificial intelligence can help people lose weight?

Artificial Intelligence can revolutionize weight loss through personalized health optimization. Imagine an AI system that integrates real-time biometric data from wearables with deep learning algorithms. This system would analyze everything: your heart…

CGPT-4, aside from solving climate change, what is the most positive thing that AI can do for the world?

In the context of maximizing positive impact, AI has transformative potential in healthcare. Let's start with personalized medicine. AI can analyze vast data sets, consisting of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle variables, to tailor medical tre…

Bard, what would it take to fast-track AI morality so that it surpasses human ability by 2025?

To fast-track AI morality to surpass human ability by 2025, Google, OpenAI, Anthropic, and other developers could: Invest heavily in AI ethics research and development.** For example, Google AI has launched the Responsible AI Research and Development (…

CGPT-4, how would an AI select the 100 most intelligent people on the planet based on their content rather than on their positions and awards?

If an AI were to take on this task, it would primarily rely on data mining and natural language processing (NLP) techniques. First, the AI would scrape digital platforms to collect works authored by various people. Platforms could range from academic d…

CGPT-4, how could an AI app designed to move people from their screens to better enjoying the people in their life do this?

Imagine an app that's like a helpful buddy in your pocket, always looking out for the best moments to nudge you into some real-world socializing. For example, say you're a fan of watching sports. The app notices you frequently check scores or r…

CGPT-4, it is an indisputable fact that Trump waited three hours to end the insurrection violence. What do his supporters guess was his thinking during this time?

Some posit he was genuinely surprised by the violence and needed time to assess the situation before acting. They argue that the chaotic nature of the events made immediate action complex, given the layers of command and decision-making involved. Other…