<span class="vcard">/u/Georgeo57</span>

xai’s big test will be going after the idea of a human free will

einstein rejected the notion. so did newton, darwin and freud. so does modern psychology and neuroscience. toppling the notion of free will is as easy as understanding that both causality and randomness, both determinism and indeterminism, make it impo…

Should Larry Summers be on OpenAI’s Board of Directors? I say NO. He works to stop action on climate change. He defends the top 1% at the expense of everyone else. Harvard’s faculty voted to oust him as their president. He is NOT to be trusted. Disagree? Explain in comments.

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Without Sutskever slowing progress, can Altman soon launch a 4.5-equivalent at his new Microsoft-backed company?

First, what should the new Microsoft subsidiary be called? "FaithAI" seems to reflect Altman's optimistic vision. I'm looking forward to their coming up with something even better. It could be that Sutskever's lack of a strong fai…

Prediction: Microsoft will force the board members to resign, and reinstate Altman and brockman

No company likes to lose $25 billion to three people who are basically clueless about the economic consequences of their political actions. They have probably already hired a team of private detectives to dig up dirt on each of them. submitted b…