<span class="vcard">/u/caliperce_3</span>

Is the AI bubble forming ,what do you think ? here are some insights that I found from Emad Mostaque(founder StabilityAI) and VCs like Ken Smythe (founder Next round capital)

As I was going through a lot of articles about the AI investments , I found out that stability AI's founder Emad Mostaque in the Bloomberg tech summit quoted that "AI will be the biggest bubble of all the time and I'd prefer to call it the…

everybody here knows about AGI and artificial super intelligence but have you heard about artificial emotional intelligence.Meet the girl who’s building it

Emotional AI is a different world of AI where machines can predict and understand human emotions, This is already impacting a lot in therapy and retail market. Rana El kaliouby is the women who built "affectiva" a startup which pioneers in em…