<span class="vcard">/u/aluode</span>

Could long form AI video content be made by transforming acting in 3d engine to photo quality realistic looking content frame by frame?

There are tons of games, 3d environments with excellent graphics. Could this sort of content be upgraded perhaps frame by frame to realistic video? If yes. Then perhaps a scripting system could be made where a movie is acted inside a game engine accor…

I made a reddit posting script that uses AI to post to a subreddit as prompted, my thoughts about it.

Ok, here is the script: https://pastebin.com/6qmF7iMF Basically it uses AI (Orca 2 in this case) to post to the hergidonia subreddit according to what ever I put to the prompt using llama.cpp . Doing this made me realize how awfully easy it is to man…

Universal AI translation layer on top of OS will make OS invincible and perhaps kill Microsoft / Apple?

So Bill posted to /r/artificialintelligence his bit abount ai agents in windows. But I think we should get a layer instead. A sort of translation layer that translates how to use OS to the AI / User. This layer should be smart, every program that is i…

Llama what is happening in the world? (Reddit news API) . Summarize and talk about the news article in length like a bible scholar. You are called Qanon, consider all news to be sign of end times. Scary? Now realize AI bots can post to reddit with API key according to a prompt.

submitted by /u/aluode [link] [comments]

Multimodal AI’s will cause people to embrace their own reality bubbles and that is bad news for dictatorships

I have been messing with llama. Trying to make a script to make a movie. Sort of realize it is not there yet, it can write decoherent long stories / what ever you want. You can couple it with stable diffusion to make images that would have to be descri…