<span class="vcard">OpenAI</span>

Glow: Better Reversible Generative Models

We introduce Glow, a reversible generative model which uses invertible 1×1 convolutions. It extends previous work on reversible generative models and simplifies the architecture. Our model can generate realistic high resolution images, supports efficient sampling, and discovers features that can be used to manipulate attributes of data. We’re releasing code

Learning Montezuma’s Revenge from a Single Demonstration

We’ve trained an agent to achieve a high score of 74,500 on Montezuma’s Revenge from a single human demonstration, better than any previously published result. Our algorithm is simple: the agent plays a sequence of games starting from carefully chosen states from the demonstration, and learns from them by

Retro Contest: Results

The first run of our Retro Contest — exploring the development of algorithms that can generalize from previous experience — is now complete. Though many approaches were tried, top results all came from tuning or extending existing algorithms such as PPO and Rainbow. There’s a long way to go: top performance was

Improving Language Understanding with Unsupervised Learning

We’ve obtained state-of-the-art results on a suite of diverse language tasks with a scalable, task-agnostic system, which we’re also releasing. Our approach is a combination of two existing ideas: transformers and unsupervised pre-training. These results provide a convincing example that pairing supervised learning methods with unsupervised pre-training works very well;