<span class="vcard">Google Inc.</span>
Google Inc.

Is artificial intelligence intelligent? How machine learning has developed. – Washington Post

Is artificial intelligence intelligent? How machine learning has developed.  Washington PostWhat makes artificial intelligence intelligent? Is it able to learn from errors or recognize, say, the letters of the alphabet in a set of random shap…

Is artificial intelligence intelligent? How machine learning has developed. – Washington Post

Is artificial intelligence intelligent? How machine learning has developed.  Washington PostWhat makes artificial intelligence intelligent? Is it able to learn from errors or recognize, say, the letters of the alphabet in a set of random shap…

Developing Simple and Stable Machine Learning Models – DevOps.com

Developing Simple and Stable Machine Learning Models  DevOps.comA current challenge and debate in artificial intelligence is building simple and stable machine learning models capable of identifying patterns and even objects.

How Wikimedia is using machine learning to spot missing citations – VentureBeat

How Wikimedia is using machine learning to spot missing citations  VentureBeatOne of the more compelling use cases for AI is automating mission-critical tasks that humans don’t want to do, or can’t do. Wikipedia ran into just such a problem …

Survey: Machine Learning/Data Science Propel Python Past Java – ADT Magazine

Survey: Machine Learning/Data Science Propel Python Past Java  ADT MagazineA big new developer survey shows that Python has finally passed Java in the programming language popularity wars, propelled by its propensity for use in …

What Are The Most Promising Areas Of Machine Learning Research Right Now? – Forbes

What Are The Most Promising Areas Of Machine Learning Research Right Now?  ForbesThese questions originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the …

Amazon’s empire rests on its low-key approach to AI – The Economist

Amazon’s empire rests on its low-key approach to AI  The EconomistAMAZON’S SIX-PAGE memos are famous. Executives must write one every year, laying out their business plan. Less well known is that these missives must …