<span class="vcard">Google Inc.</span>
Google Inc.

Google’s Machine Learning Technology Can Ace Up The Travel Industry – Hospitality Net

Google’s Machine Learning Technology Can Ace Up The Travel Industry  Hospitality NetThe technology of machine learning is benefiting almost every industry but the most significant modification can be seen in the travel sector. People travelin…

Mellanox Works With VMware and NVIDIA to Enable High Performance Virtualized Machine Learning Solutions – Yahoo Finance

Mellanox Works With VMware and NVIDIA to Enable High Performance Virtualized Machine Learning Solutions  Yahoo FinancevSphere’s Advanced Paravirtualization over RDMA Networking Technology and NVIDIA’s Latest vGPU Solution Enable Efficient Mac…

VMware and Nvidia launch hybrid cloud on AWS for machine learning – VentureBeat

VMware and Nvidia launch hybrid cloud on AWS for machine learning  VentureBeatVMWare and Nvidia today launch VMware on AWS, a hybrid cloud for AI and machine learning workflows. Nvidia also introduced a new virtual GPU offering.

How This Startup’s Machine Learning Models Are Personalizing Customer Support & Engagement – Analytics India Magazine

How This Startup’s Machine Learning Models Are Personalizing Customer Support & Engagement  Analytics India MagazineThe idea of starting Verloop was to implement machine learning, AI and NLP to help companies connect with customers at a large…

Machine learning predicts patients in need of advanced depression care – Health Data Management

Machine learning predicts patients in need of advanced depression care  Health Data ManagementUsing data from a statewide health information exchange, researchers have created machine learning algorithms that are able to identify patients who…

Machine learning for Shariah-compliant financial services – The Malaysian Reserve

Machine learning for Shariah-compliant financial services  The Malaysian ReserveYOUR former school mates are your Facebook friends. A few of you get together for a drink. One of your friends snaps a photo on his smartphone camera and …