Enterprise AI: Diving into Machine Learning – CIO
Enterprise AI: Diving into Machine Learning CIOMachine learning techniques can help turn raw data into models that can be applied to produce meaningful insights.
Enterprise AI: Diving into Machine Learning CIOMachine learning techniques can help turn raw data into models that can be applied to produce meaningful insights.
Clean data for machine learning is key to successful AI TechTargetFrom Facebook to your local bakery, enterprises that want to implement AI must collect massive amounts of data. Now, experts are learning that collecting the …
Artificial intelligence and machine learning move to the edge Utility DiveWe often associate artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) with exotic applications – self-driving cars, speech and facial recognition, robotic control …
Quobyte’s TensorFlow plug-in speeds machine learning ZDNetQuobyte announced last week that its Data Center File System is the first distributed file system to offer a TensorFlow plug-in, providing increased throughput …
Could Machine Learning Be the Key to Earthquake Prediction? SmithsonianPredicting earthquakes might be impossible, but some experts wonder if tools that can analyze enormous amounts of data could crack the seismic code.
Harness raises $60 million to automate continuous app delivery with machine learning VentureBeatHarness, a San Francisco startup developing a continuous app delivery and release platform for engineering and DevOps teams, has raised $60 million.
Theory meets application: Machine learning techniques for geothermal exploration Phys.OrgWhen Jing Yang, assistant professor of electrical engineering, began looking for practical applications to her machine learning research, partnering wit…
NVIDIA’s Jetson Nano – Democratizing and Disrupting Edge Machine Learning Robot ReportLow cost, yet very powerful, AI optimized compute resources such as NVIDIA’s Jetson Nano brings machine learning to the masses, and also has the potential …
In Travel Insurance, Machine Learning Is Turning Conventional Wisdom On Its Head ForbesYou know the conventional wisdom about shopping around before buying? Machine learning may be turning that truism on its head, at least in one industry.
NCI Partners with Machine Learning Company Tanjo to Enhance AI Platform WashingtonExecNCI Information Systems, Inc. is teaming with North Carolina-based machine learning company Tanjo Inc. to leverage its technology and infuse new data.