<span class="vcard">Google Inc.</span>
Google Inc.

Researchers from Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and MIT Unveil Hierarchically Gated Recurrent Neural Network RNN: A New Frontier in Efficient Long-Term Dependency Modeling – MarkTechPost

Researchers from Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and MIT Unveil Hierarchically Gated Recurrent Neural Network RNN: A New Frontier in Efficient Long-Term Dependency Modeling  MarkTechPost

Researchers from the University of Geneva Investigate a Graph-based Machine Learning Model to Predict Risks of Inpatient Colonization by Multidrug-Resistant (MDR) Enterobacteriaceae – MarkTechPost

Researchers from the University of Geneva Investigate a Graph-based Machine Learning Model to Predict Risks of Inpatient Colonization by Multidrug-Resistant (MDR) Enterobacteriaceae  MarkTechPost

Cisco Redefines Cybersecurity Defense with Powerful, Portfolio-Wide Artificial Intelligence Capabilities USA – English – PR Newswire

Cisco Redefines Cybersecurity Defense with Powerful, Portfolio-Wide Artificial Intelligence Capabilities USA – English  PR Newswire