<span class="vcard">Google Inc.</span>
Google Inc.

Amazon Expands Its Machine Learning Offering with AWS Deep Learning Containers – InfoQ.com

Amazon Expands Its Machine Learning Offering with AWS Deep Learning Containers  InfoQ.comRecently, Amazon introduced AWS Deep Learning Containers (AWS DL Containers), which are Docker images pre-installed with deep learning frameworks …

RPT-Machine-learning on the rise in financial services -Refinitiv – Reuters

RPT-Machine-learning on the rise in financial services -Refinitiv  ReutersThe use of machine-learning has picked up across the financial services industry, although problems such as data quality continue to dog its progress, a study …

How to increase employee engagement using AI, machine learning, and other methods – TechRepublic

How to increase employee engagement using AI, machine learning, and other methods  TechRepublicIncreased retention, productivity, and workers’ performance–these are some potential benefits of successful employee engagement initiatives.

Labelbox raises $10 million for its services to support machine learning applications – TechCrunch

Labelbox raises $10 million for its services to support machine learning applications  TechCrunchLabelbox, a provider of services to create, manage and maintain data sets for machine learning applications, has raised $10 million in a new roun…

Machine-learning on the rise in financial services: Refinitiv – Reuters

Machine-learning on the rise in financial services: Refinitiv  ReutersLONDON (Reuters) – The use of machine-learning has picked up across the financial services industry, although problems such as data quality continue to dog …

How machine learning will fundamentally change the lives of healthcare providers – Radiology Business

How machine learning will fundamentally change the lives of healthcare providers  Radiology BusinessArtificial intelligence and machine learning technologies could fundamentally change healthcare forever, both for providers and their patients…

Machine learning hones weapons of maldoc destruction – Naked Security

Machine learning hones weapons of maldoc destruction  Naked SecurityBy Jason Zhang. Criminals continue to leverage the features of Adobe’s PDF document format to engage in malware and phishing attacks, with no sign of a …

How Machine Learning Can Be a Big Boon for Your Small Business – Small Business Trends

How Machine Learning Can Be a Big Boon for Your Small Business  Small Business TrendsTo appreciate just how big a boon machine learning can be for your business, here are three key machine learning benefits for you to chew over.

Trading The AI And Machine Learning Stocks – Overview, Scorecard And Picks – Seeking Alpha

Trading The AI And Machine Learning Stocks – Overview, Scorecard And Picks  Seeking AlphaAI and machine learning are the buzzwords of a decade. Picking stocks and developing trading strategies is a not that easy at a stock-specific level.We a…