<span class="vcard">Google Inc.</span>
GGooooggllee IInncc..

Python code completion gets an assist from machine learning – InfoWorld

Python code completion gets an assist from machine learning  InfoWorldThe makers of a new programmer’s assistant for Python developers are tapping machine learning technology to build new kinds of programming tools.

Data scientists face off in LSST machine-learning competition – Symmetry magazine

Data scientists face off in LSST machine-learning competition  Symmetry magazineData scientists trained computers to pick out useful information from LSST’s hi-res snapshots of the universe.

Researchers Uses Machine Learning To Detect PTSD – Analytics India Magazine

Researchers Uses Machine Learning To Detect PTSD  Analytics India MagazineLondon-based researchers have now coupled brain imaging with machine learning to detect PTSD in patients with an accuracy of 92%

Amazon Open Sources SageMaker Neo To Run Machine Learning Models At The Edge – Forbes

Amazon Open Sources SageMaker Neo To Run Machine Learning Models At The Edge  ForbesAmazon has announced a new open source project, Neo-AI, which attempts to optimize the performance of machine learning models for a variety of platforms.

Apple’s dismissal of 200 self-driving car employees points to a shift in its AI strategy – CNBC

Apple’s dismissal of 200 self-driving car employees points to a shift in its AI strategy  CNBCSome of Apple’s self-driving car employees will now be working more broadly on AI and machine learning. It’s another signal the company is beefing u…

Analysis: “The Era of Deep Learning Is Coming to an End” – Futurism

Analysis: “The Era of Deep Learning Is Coming to an End”  FuturismAccording to a massive analysis by MIT Technology Review, the AI research community may soon move away from deep learning toward something new.