<span class="vcard">Google Inc.</span>
Google Inc.

10 Reasons Why You Should Attend Machine Learning Developer Summit 2019 – Analytics India Magazine

10 Reasons Why You Should Attend Machine Learning Developer Summit 2019  Analytics India MagazineAnalytics India Magazine brings to you Machine Learning Developers Summit 2019. Chief Machine Learning innovators and practitioners of India unde…

A Reminder That Machine Learning Is About Correlations Not Causation – Forbes

A Reminder That Machine Learning Is About Correlations Not Causation  ForbesLost amongst the hype and hyperbole surrounding machine learning today, especially deep learning, is the critical distinction between correlation and causation …

Brain imaging, machine learning show promising results in PTSD treatment: London, Ont. researchers – Global News

Brain imaging, machine learning show promising results in PTSD treatment: London, Ont. researchers  Global NewsResearchers out of Lawson Health Research Institute and Western University are shedding light on major advances in using brain imag…

Cloudera and Hortonworks combo to push CDP, machine learning – TechTarget

Cloudera and Hortonworks combo to push CDP, machine learning  TechTargetCloudera and Hortonworks have consummated their deal to merge. The new Cloudera Data Platform will be the engine that will take the company to success in …

What Were The Most Significant Machine Learning Advances Of 2018? – Forbes

What Were The Most Significant Machine Learning Advances Of 2018?  ForbesWhat were the most significant machine learning/AI advances in 2018? originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering …

Why Machine Learning Needs Semantics Not Just Statistics – Forbes

Why Machine Learning Needs Semantics Not Just Statistics  ForbesThe deep learning revolution has ushered in a new generation of machine learning tools capable of identifying the patterns in massive noisy datasets with …

Machine learning could reduce testing, improve treatment for intensive care patients – Princeton University

Machine learning could reduce testing, improve treatment for intensive care patients  Princeton UniversityDoctors in intensive care units face a continual dilemma: Every blood test they order could yield critical information, but also adds co…

Stitch Fix Uses Machine Learning to Augment the Human Touch – Wall Street Journal

Stitch Fix Uses Machine Learning to Augment the Human Touch  Wall Street JournalFiguring out how people want their clothing to fit, or if a particular shirt matches their personal sense of style, is tricky, regardless of whether it is done by…

Valve wants to overhaul discoverability on Steam with machine learning this year – Gamasutra

Valve wants to overhaul discoverability on Steam with machine learning this year  GamasutraValve’s year in review offers an insightful snapshot of changes that hit Steam in 2018, and how the company aims to shift the platform in the current y…