<span class="vcard">Google Inc.</span>
Google Inc.

Amazon’s creepy facial recog doorbell, Facebook open sources machine learning code and much more – The Register

Amazon’s creepy facial recog doorbell, Facebook open sources machine learning code and much more  The RegisterRoundup welcome to the last AI round up of the year; thank you for reading. We bring you the horrors of Amazon’s plans to install do…

AI Weekly: This machine learning report is required reading – VentureBeat

AI Weekly: This machine learning report is required reading  VentureBeatThe AI Index 2018 report is out, and if you’re interested in AI enough to read this newsletter, you really should read the report through for yourself. Maybe it’s the …

Machine learning to speed chemical discoveries, reduce waste: First-of-its-kind system pairs artificial neural networks with infrared imaging to run small-scale chemical reactions with big impact – Science Daily

Machine learning to speed chemical discoveries, reduce waste: First-of-its-kind system pairs artificial neural networks with infrared imaging to run small-scale chemical reactions with big impact  Science DailyResearchers have combined artifi…

NYU researchers pioneer machine learning to speed chemical discoveries, reduce waste – EurekAlert

NYU researchers pioneer machine learning to speed chemical discoveries, reduce waste  EurekAlertResearchers have combined artificial neural networks with infrared thermal imaging to control and interpret chemical reactions with new precision …

Comixify uses machine learning to turn video into comics – Engadget

Comixify uses machine learning to turn video into comics  EngadgetTons of comic books have come to life as movies, but researchers at the Warsaw University of Technology have developed a system for turning live-action video …

AI for Fun: Machine Learning Makes Caricature Faces – Voice of America

AI for Fun: Machine Learning Makes Caricature Faces  Voice of AmericaIn a caricature, the artist creates a drawing of a face, with different parts of it greatly enlarged, or exaggerated, in other ways. The pictures or images are usually …

Machine Learning, EHR Data Predict High-Risk Surgical Patients – Health IT Analytics

Machine Learning, EHR Data Predict High-Risk Surgical Patients  Health IT AnalyticsUsing machine learning tools powered by EHR data from a single institution can help predict patients at high risk of surgical complications with more accuracy …