<span class="vcard">Google Inc.</span>
Google Inc.

The AI And Machine Learning Nirvana: Reachable With The Right Approach – Forbes

The AI And Machine Learning Nirvana: Reachable With The Right Approach  ForbesArtificial intelligence and machine learning are often hailed as an operational nirvana, and they can be — if organizations use and prepare for them carefully.

Machine-Learning Competition Focuses on Data from Giant Sky Camera – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Machine-Learning Competition Focuses on Data from Giant Sky Camera  Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryA machine-learning competition focuses on training computers to identify the many types of objects a new telescope will be imaging.

We analyzed 16625 papers to figure out where AI is headed next – MIT Technology Review

We analyzed 16625 papers to figure out where AI is headed next  MIT Technology ReviewOur study of 25 years of artificial-intelligence research suggests the era of deep learning is coming to an end.

Dimension Reduction: Preparing Marketing Data For Efficient Machine Learning – CMSWire

Dimension Reduction: Preparing Marketing Data For Efficient Machine Learning  CMSWireMarketers must be deliberate when adding dimensions to a machine learning model. The cost of adding too many is accuracy.

Machine Learning drives exciting new feature for Pitram – www.mining-journal.com

Machine Learning drives exciting new feature for Pitram  www.mining-journal.comNew underground mining precision performance software, which uses machine learning to refine and enhance loading and haulage processes, is set to be …

GitHub: The top 10 programming languages for machine learning – TechRepublic

GitHub: The top 10 programming languages for machine learning  TechRepublicOnline code repository GitHub has pulled together the 10 most popular programming languages used for machine learning hosted on its *service*, and, while …

Break through: how AI and machine learning could transform construction – Building

Break through: how AI and machine learning could transform construction  BuildingAdvances in AI and machine learning could be about to transform the construction sector, using techniques such as image recognition and analysis to reduce …

Auto Lenders Cautiously Eye Future Use of AI, Machine Learning – Ward’s Auto

Auto Lenders Cautiously Eye Future Use of AI, Machine Learning  Ward’s AutoSAN FRANCISCO – Credit scoring is becoming increasingly digitalized, with systems doing more of the work, but the auto-financing world doesn’t appear ready …

Machine learning cuts false alarms in ICU – Futurity: Research News

Machine learning cuts false alarms in ICU  Futurity: Research NewsMedical devices send a warning almost 700 times per ICU patient per day. Machine learning could help distinguish real problems from false alarms.