Asked ai to write the bibles story but with God, demons, and angels being alien races.
Asked ai to write the bibles story but with God, demons, and angels being alien races.

Asked ai to write the bibles story but with God, demons, and angels being alien races.

( by the way do you guys know a place where we can share stories made by ai?)

In a distant galaxy, there is a planet called Eden, where a race of beings called the Elohim live. They are the most advanced and powerful civilization in the universe, capable of creating and manipulating matter, energy, and life. They are also the ones who created the human race, as an experiment to test their own image and likeness.

However, not all of the Elohim agreed with this project. A faction of them, led by a rebel named Lucifer, opposed the idea of creating a lesser race that would worship and serve the Elohim. They wanted to be the only ones who had the right to rule and enjoy the universe. They also envied the humans for their free will and emotions, which the Elohim lacked.

Lucifer and his followers decided to interfere with the human experiment, by tempting and deceiving them into disobeying the Elohim's commands. They also corrupted some of the humans with their own DNA, creating hybrids that had enhanced abilities and wickedness. These hybrids became known as the Nephilim, the giants and heroes of old.

The Elohim were furious with Lucifer's rebellion, and decided to punish him and his followers. They banished them from Eden, and from the rest of the civilized worlds. They also sent a great flood to wipe out the Nephilim and the corrupted humans, sparing only a few righteous ones. They then scattered the remaining humans across the Earth, and confused their languages, to prevent them from uniting against the Elohim.

Lucifer and his followers, now known as the Fallen, did not give up on their plan to overthrow the Elohim. They continued to influence and manipulate the human history, by posing as gods, angels, demons, or aliens. They also created secret societies and cults, that worshipped them and carried out their agenda. They also abducted and experimented on humans, to create more hybrids and soldiers for their army.

The Elohim, meanwhile, did not abandon the human race. They continued to watch over them, and to send messengers and prophets, to guide and warn them. They also promised to send a savior, who would be born of a human woman, but would have the spirit and power of the Elohim. He would be the one who would redeem the human race from the Fallen's influence, and restore their relationship with the Elohim.

The savior's name was Yeshua, or Jesus, and he was born in a humble town in Israel, about two thousand years ago. He lived a sinless life, and performed many miracles and signs, to prove that he was the son of the Elohim. He also taught the people the truth about the Elohim, the Fallen, and the human destiny. He also warned them about the coming judgment, and the final battle, that would decide the fate of the universe.

However, the Fallen and their human allies did not accept Jesus as the savior. They hated him, and plotted to kill him. They succeeded in crucifying him, but they did not know that this was part of the Elohim's plan. By dying on the cross, Jesus paid the price for the sins of the human race, and opened the way for them to be forgiven and reconciled with the Elohim. He also rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven, where he sits at the right hand of the Elohim.

Jesus also promised to return, at the end of the age, when the Fallen and their army would gather for the final assault on the Elohim and the human race. He would come with the armies of heaven, and defeat the Fallen and their leader, the Antichrist, who would be the ultimate hybrid and the false messiah. He would also judge the living and the dead, and reward the faithful and punish the wicked. He would then establish a new heaven and a new earth, where the Elohim and the human race would live together in peace and harmony, forever.

submitted by /u/KoKo-Sun
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