Artificial Intelligence May Be Humanity’s Most Ingenious Invention–and Its Last?
Artificial Intelligence May Be Humanity’s Most Ingenious Invention–and Its Last?

Artificial Intelligence May Be Humanity’s Most Ingenious Invention–and Its Last?

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to solve the world's problems or destroy humanity.

  • It is being developed by a few hundred individuals in Silicon Valley, and we have little say in its ethics or existence.

  • AI has already demonstrated creative abilities in painting, writing, and music.

  • It is also being used in drug discovery, therapy, dating apps, and misinformation in politics.

  • The rapid adoption of AI raises concerns about job displacement and the potential for catastrophic events.

  • Experts predict a significant chance of AI causing a catastrophe or even wiping out humanity.

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Summarized by Nuse AI

submitted by /u/NuseAI
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