Are there an image generators that can generate the same image you upload to it, but from a different hypothetical angle?
AArree tthheerree aann iimmaaggee ggeenneerraattoorrss tthhaatt ccaann ggeenneerraattee tthhee ssaammee iimmaaggee yyoouu uuppllooaadd ttoo iitt,, bbuutt ffrroomm aa ddiiffffeerreenntt hhyyppootthheettiiccaall aannggllee??

Are there an image generators that can generate the same image you upload to it, but from a different hypothetical angle?

I was wondering if any AI image generation was good at this (yet?). I have a real-life image I want to upload and get AI to generate what that would most likely look like from the vantage point of someone standing at a different angle.

submitted by /u/YepperyYepstein
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