Are the Large tech companies now Forever companies?
Are the Large tech companies now Forever companies?

Are the Large tech companies now Forever companies?

I don't see how anyone can beat the incumbents with the resources they have. Any type of disruption that happens they will either copy or buy it. edit.

My bad I forgot to add just for the very large tech companies. They can very quickly adapt unlike traditional companies. They have pools of data, endless pool of really smart talent, more money than god. Just look at the way google pivoted when OpenAI came to the fold with AI.

edit. Also Microsoft has Open AI by the balls, they only pretend to be independent but they literally couldn't fire Sam Altman because Microsoft wanted him there. And they Nadella was directly qouted saying something like " We have the team, we have the IP, we have the Tech" at the time.

submitted by /u/Embarrassed-Box-4861
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