Are podcasts AI solutions production-ready for small businesses?
Are podcasts AI solutions production-ready for small businesses?

Are podcasts AI solutions production-ready for small businesses?

Hello! I work for local news agency and now have a task to research and apply a podcast AI solution that generates podcasts. Not specifically English ones.

I want to find mature solution that is easy to integrate - about as easy as OpenAI Library. Is there any SaaS for such case?

Also I am curious about technical moments, e. g. how long podcast they could generate without falling to hallucination? What server should be needed in case of self-hosted solution? Or what price do I usually (if that term even applicable to such bleeding edge field of rapid growth) pay for cloud API?

The best option (my dream) is to organize a 24/7 or at least 12/5 radio audio channel streaming online on all possible platforms.

I am glad to see any technical details as well as business cases.

submitted by /u/Kenya-West
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