Are AI/ChatGPT consultants coming along to help make visions happen?
Are AI/ChatGPT consultants coming along to help make visions happen?

Are AI/ChatGPT consultants coming along to help make visions happen?

I have had a dream/mission/vision for years, called the Now Edition:

I have a two-level question:

First, do you think wise use of AI/ChatGPT could build the platform I'm talking about? How easy/hard do you think it would be - and once a reality, how successful might it be, this dreamed-of marriage between the immediacy of journalism, the depth of great books/literature and the interactivity of, say, Reddit to advance that REALLY 'E' 'E-book?" I don't want to buy a digital replica of a dead-tree book, I want to belong to a topic community (like reddit) that is tied to a curated, edited and interactive deep base of knowledge (sort of ... Reddit 2? OK maybe not;-)

And to me, this all begs a related question - I searched "AI consultant" here in the sub and ... no really detailed talk since ChatGPT blew up. IS there a great avenue for folks to devise an AI consultancy who tracks the fast-moving developments AND helps people realize their vision/mission/project with AI's explicit help to make it happen?

Does that spark any thoughts with anyone? I know website creators are embracing AI (like everyone else) but this is an actual platform creation that I figure AI could bring to light. Then, would it fly?

submitted by /u/barneylerten
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