Approachable, but still technical, AI podcasts on generative AI techniques (e.g. like MLG)
Approachable, but still technical, AI podcasts on generative AI techniques (e.g. like MLG)

Approachable, but still technical, AI podcasts on generative AI techniques (e.g. like MLG)


I've been learning about AI techniques in my spare time, for both interest and work (I'm a university Prof working in HCI/interaction design and understanding the possibilities and limitations of AI -- and why, technically -- becoming an essential area of knowledge for me).

I've found that the best way to learn complex techniques has been to read about them in books (perhaps not fully understanding the first time), listen to a podcast that explains them again (understanding more) and then read the same book chapter again (finally 'getting it').

Machine Learning Guide has been the perfect podcast for this. However, it doesn't cover the generative techniques I'm learning about now (e.g. VAE, GAN etc. etc. etc). I've tried looking for other podcasts, but everything I find seems to be at much more of a pop-science level: two folks having a coffee chat about general concepts and not how they work.

Does anyone have any recommendations for AI podcasts similar to Machine Learning Guide but for generative techniques (or others like MLG in general, as I can't get enough!).


submitted by /u/jnthhk
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