Anyone want to join a debate about AI? It’s about whether AI companies should really be on the hook for what their tech does. We’re trying to invite more folks to these conversations. The debate is on Tuesday at Noon ET. All are welcome!
Anyone want to join a debate about AI? It’s about whether AI companies should really be on the hook for what their tech does. We’re trying to invite more folks to these conversations. The debate is on Tuesday at Noon ET. All are welcome!

Anyone want to join a debate about AI? It’s about whether AI companies should really be on the hook for what their tech does. We’re trying to invite more folks to these conversations. The debate is on Tuesday at Noon ET. All are welcome!

Anyone want to join a debate about AI? It's about whether AI companies should really be on the hook for what their tech does. We're trying to invite more folks to these conversations. The debate is on Tuesday at Noon ET. All are welcome! submitted by /u/hwilsonia
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