PDF is what gets printed on paper, and often the most common way of sharing documents online. PDFs have a fixed width height/width, which makes them difficult to read on a small screen.
EPUB is what e-readers like kindle or kobo work with, often using a derived format like mobi/azw that are still similar to epub. EPUBs are fluid, the text "flows" to fill the current page, so they are readable on all screen sizes. Heck I read the harry potter series on my dad's old nokia phone with a 2.4" screen.
Even before ai, there have been many local/online tools that try to convert pdf books to epub. But they almost always get the formatting wrong. I was wondering if things have gotten any better. I am not lookin for any ocr, the pdfs are well formatted. Are there any ai (or even non-ai) tools that can convert a pdf to epub without mistakes?
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