Any current AI Scientists that I can ask a few questions to?
Any current AI Scientists that I can ask a few questions to?

Any current AI Scientists that I can ask a few questions to?

I am a career changer from London transitioning into AI (from econ and math). I am planning to do a masters in the states and I keep hearing the US job market is a dream compared to the UK one. As well as other stuff which I dont know how to verify since I am an outsider both in terms of country and industry.

Are there any current AI scientists who would be willing to answer a few questions?

  1. I keep hearing the US is a much better job and experience market. Is this true?
  2. On a similar note - any specific uni or graduate degree or masters that is particularly respected in the industry? For example - Columbia MFE is really good for entering into buy side finance (an analogy I am familiar with because of my econ background), but I am not sure if there are similar target unis for tech/ ai/ FAANG too?

My plan is to become an AI scientist (mainly on the corporate side) and thats what I am working towards. Cheers to anyone who responds, you have my blessings and I will treat you to food if we ever meetup!

submitted by /u/Icy-Bid-5585
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