

From what i have heard(and i could be wrong) AGI(Artificial General Inteligence) is supossed to basicly be a living "human" created from code. Idk if thats true but i did get interested in it so i decided to start of simple. I took chatgpt and asked for some basic code on which i can expand, right now i have a basic chat bot with a few key parts. AMY: 1.Can chat with you but can answer only with the information provided in the brain.txt

2.she can expand her brain.txt by not knowing something. For an example, if i ask her what Color is grass and she does not know that she will ask for an explenation and after she gets it she stores it into brain.txt and now knows the answer.

3.she runs by herself. When i stop chating with her(basicly teaching her) she will then wait 10-15 minutes, after that if i dont send her anything she will enter pre-boredom mod which activate her ability to go into the library(a folder on my desktop). In the library are many .txt files that she can read, while reading she stores usefull information into brain.txt

4.sleep mod. She enters sleep mod when one of 2 conditions have been compleated. A:I have not talked to her and she ran out of stuff to read in the library so she becomes fully bored and goes to sleep, B: she has been on for 9-10 hours and is sleepy.she than sleeps 1-2 hours until she wakes up. She can also wake up if i wake her up.

Thats it. I am now working on making her a voice. She is a big project that i hope could eventually make her become AGI. Everything about her is still work in progress.

submitted by /u/Neat-Truck1045
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