Alternatives to chatGPT, Copilot, etc. ?
AAlltteerrnnaattiivveess ttoo cchhaattGGPPTT,, CCooppiilloott,, eettcc.. ??

Alternatives to chatGPT, Copilot, etc. ?

So I was just wondering what your alternatives to ChatGPT, Copilot are? I was using chatGPT for awhile, almost a year or two. But now I am basically locked out of my account because it says my memory is full, even if I archive or delete old conversations. This is fine because I prefer free and/or open source alternatives if there are any good ones. I've been using Copilot cause it's free, but meh.

In particular I'd be interested in something that has the ability to go beyond a "natural language search" capability, something that will engage with greater capability, for example the ability to predict numerically how likely a given political event is going to be... etc. I'm not savvy enough at this point to roll my own.

submitted by /u/RADICCHI0
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