Alternative for
Alternative for

Alternative for

Hey everyone, I used to use a tool called Genei.

In Genei, I could upload a document (a PDF which I would break into smaller PDFs, one per chapter) and then that would get summarized (usually Genei would parse the headings/subheadings and divide the summary into chunk based of those headings/subheadings) and then I could do multi-document search and even write a question or prompt for Genei to write a paragraph (which included references to where it got the information from my documents) about anything I could imagine. Additionally, when reviewing the summary, I could click on pieces of the summary, and it would take me to where it got that information from the original text. Finally, it had a terrific word processor built in, which included the ability to select text and then have it write, note-take, or even stylize like turning into a poem whatever text you had selected.

I'm currently going through a brutal post-secondary program that has a reading list of well over 100 books (some are papers, but many are textbooks) and, of course, during my research for my thesis creation, there will undoubtedly be numerous more to read and utilize.

Does anyone have a service they are using that they're super happy with, and think would fit the Genei shaped hole in my heart?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/OnwardUpwardForward
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