AI will teach everyone to read and write. It’s already begun.
AI will teach everyone to read and write. It’s already begun.

AI will teach everyone to read and write. It’s already begun.

"What is Child-Directed, Tech-Enabled Learning?

Children drive their own learning, at their own pace, using software that provides a complete, research-based curriculum and pedagogy. Adults play a supportive, facilitative role. The software is delivered to the learner on a tablet, without connectivity, and charged by solar power or other appropriate energy sources...

With hundreds of millions of children out of school or lacking access to effective schooling, this model can provide every child, everywhere access to learning. Solutions can work without internet access or grid power. Adults play facilitative, rather than instructional, roles.

The annual unit cost of the learning solution is less than $7 per child and declining. This includes hardware, software, accessories, power, shipping, and implementation support from Imagine."

submitted by /u/Georgeo57
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