AI will become our second brain. We must teach our kids how to use it.
AI will become our second brain. We must teach our kids how to use it.

AI will become our second brain. We must teach our kids how to use it.

I think the current education system is far behind the growth of AI tech. Thinking about their attitude towards the development of calculators, computers, the internet and smart phone, they are always behind.

Some teachers treated AI like a "cheatting" method like you get high scores in exams without having this knowledge in your head.

But I think AI is becoming more and more like a second brain of us when it's becoming easier to deploy in any small device in the future.

The second brain is for remembering and searching for information and knowledge, while the first brain (our original brain) is for processing them.

The most important thing of mastering knowledge is no longer remembering it by our first brain, but to process and use it in the right way with the help of our second brain.

It's more important that you should know how to search for knowledge and information and understand it so that you can apply it correctly to solve the problems.

Why should we still stop students from learning how to use their second brain?

submitted by /u/Stupid_hardcorer
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