AI — weekly megathread!
AI — weekly megathread!

AI — weekly megathread!

News provided by

  1. Technology Innovation Institute in Abu Dhabi has released Falcon 180B - a large language model with 180 billion parameters, trained on 3.5 trillion tokens. It's currently the largest openly available model, and rivals proprietary models like PaLM-2. Falcon 180B is 2.5 times larger than Llama 2 and was trained with 4x more compute. It is available for both research and commercial use [Details].
  2. Meta AI released Belebele, a first-of-its-kind multilingual reading comprehension dataset spanning 122 language variants, enabling direct comparison of how well models understand different languages [Details].
  3. Meta AI has published Code Llama’s research paper with more information on training, evaluation results and safety [Paper].
  4. Open Interpreter, an open-source, locally running implementation of OpenAI's Code Interpreter hit 6K+ stars in just 24 hours after launching v0.1. Crossed 10K stars now [Details].
  5. Retool, the low-code platform for building internal tools has launched Retool AI, for faster building of custom AI apps, workflows and chatbots visually or with code [Details].
  6. Artificial Intelligence Film Festival (AIFF) announced by Expo City Dubai with submissions open until December 1 [Details].
  7. OpenAI’s first developer conference will be in San Francisco on November 6, with registration for in-person attendance opening soon [Details].
  8. Researchers have developed an AI model to predict the odor profile of a molecule, just based on its structure [Details].
  9. AI Grant announced the startups accepted into the second batch of AI Grant [Details].
  10. IBM announced a new family of generative AI foundation models, named Granite. Granite.13b.instruct and use a Decoder architecture and are more efficient than larger models, fitting onto a single V100-32GB GPU [Details]
  11. Microsoft has filed a patent for an AI-powered backpack design with smart sensors. Wearers will benefit from AI enhanced object identification and analysis, nearby device interaction, and be able to gain contextual insights [Details].
  12. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) has launched its new supercomputer named MSU-270 with a peak computational power of 400 'AI' PetaFLOPS, that will be used for various AI and high-performance computing (HPC) applications and for training large AI models [Details].
  13. Anthropic, has launched a paid version of its Claude chatbot in the US and UK, priced at $20/ £18 per month [Details].
  14. X’s privacy policy confirms it will use public data to train AI models [Details].
  15. Hugging Face has launched Training Cluster As a service, letting users train their large model on the Hugging Face GPUs cluster [Link].
  16. Zoom's Generative AI Assistant, Zoom IQ gets rebranded as Zoom AI Companion with new capabilities [Details].

🔦 Weekly Spotlight

  1. Inside Elon Musk's Struggle for the Future of AI by Walter Isaacson [Link].
  2. How generative AI helped train Amazon One to recognize your palm [Link].
  3. Why Meta’s Yann LeCun isn’t buying the AI doomer narrative [Link].
  4. TinyLlama project: an open endeavor to pretrain a 1.1B Llama model on 3 trillion tokens [link].


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submitted by /u/jaketocake
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