AI technology behind ChatGPT built was in Iowa – with a lot of water
AI technology behind ChatGPT built was in Iowa – with a lot of water

AI technology behind ChatGPT built was in Iowa – with a lot of water

  • The artificial intelligence technology behind ChatGPT was built in Iowa, specifically in the watershed of the Raccoon and Des Moines rivers.

  • Microsoft-backed OpenAI needed a lot of water to cool its powerful supercomputer as it taught its AI systems how to mimic human writing.

  • Leading tech developers like Microsoft, OpenAI, and Google have acknowledged the high costs associated with the growing demand for AI tools, including expensive semiconductors and increased water consumption.

  • Microsoft disclosed a 34% spike in global water consumption, largely attributed to its AI research.

  • A researcher estimates that ChatGPT uses 500 milliliters of water for every series of prompts or questions.

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Summarized by Nuse AI

submitted by /u/NuseAI
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