Until now, our evolution was biological. We’ve developed additional layers of the brain, upright posture, and other physical attributes to adapt to our ever-changing lifestyle. However, we’ve reached a point in time where our biological evolution can’t keep up with the pace of change.
Look how far humanity has come. What an elaborate and complex world we have built. A world, in fact, that’s far more complex than our brains can handle.
This is where AI comes in.
The upcoming paradigm shift is not just a technological revolution. It’s an evolutional revolution. It’s the biggest shift in human evolution since the dawn of time that will change who we are as a species for good.
Read MoreIs AI the next step in human evolution? https://www.artificial-intelligence.blog/news/ai-is-the-next-step-in-human-evolution
Posted by Artificial Intelligence Blog on Thursday, November 30, 2017